[chimerax-users] unexpected behavior of build start

Alexis Rohou a.rohou at gmail.com
Mon Jul 26 17:20:52 PDT 2021

Hi ChimeraX team,

I'm running into unexpected behavior when using the build tool.

Here's what I'm doing:
- open map --> model #1
- open PDB --> model #2
- fit #2 in #1 (the PDB moves by ~20 Å at this step)
- cofr centerOfView showPivot true
- move the view around so that the pivot axes intersect where I want to
place a new atom
- build start atom #2

expected result: a new H atom is created exactly at the center of view
(where the pivot axes intersect)

actual result: the new H atom is created some distance away; I think the
vector from where the new H atom is built to the cofr is the same vector as
the PDB model was displaced by the fitting into the map (my second step,
above), but I haven't checked that carefully.

Is this what is expected? It confused me :)
Is there a command I can use to move the atom to the correct location after
it's been created?

Interestingly, if I add a H atom into a new model, then it appears where I
expect it, at the cofr:
- build start atom "custom built"

This is with 1.2.5 (2021-05-24)

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