[Chimera-users] UCSF Chimera error: X Error of failed request: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter)

Muhammad Sufian msufian at outlook.com
Sat Mar 14 05:24:55 PDT 2015

Thank you Greg for your kind help.
For now, I don;t want to change my graphics card and I have latest graphics driver for Mesa, so I have decided to update OpenSUSE.
But is it necessary to install 13.2 ?
Can't I go for 13.1 ?
Is there any way to check which earliest version is compatible for my workstation and Chimera graphics ?

Muhammad Sufian

Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2015 09:17:07 -0700
From: gregc at cgl.ucsf.edu
To: msufian at outlook.com; chimera-users at cgl.ucsf.edu
Subject: Re: [Chimera-users] UCSF Chimera error: X Error of failed request: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter)

    I'm sorry, the Matrix graphics is more of a hindrance than a help. 
    It uses the software only OpenGL driver, Mesa, to do its 3D
    drawing.  And the easiest way to get a newer version of Mesa on your
    system is to update it to OpenSUSE 13.2 or the latest Ubuntu.  If
    you have the option of installing an AMD or NVIDIA graphics card in
    your system, do so, and install the proprietary driver.  It will be
    like going from walking to driving a car -- much faster, and you can
    buy a budget car, a regular car, or race car, depending on your
    budget. :-)






    On 3/13/2015 12:27 AM, Muhammad Sufian

      Dear Greg,


        I have tried debugging Chimera and the issue is related to


        sufian at system01:~>
            chimera --debug

            initializing general preferences

            loading Tix

            initializing graphics

            create application

            loading Pmw

            creating main window

            creating menus

            creating toolbar

            creating viewer

            initializing OpenGL

            X Error of failed request: 
              BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter)

              Major opcode of failed request:  72

              Resource id in failed request: 

              Serial number of failed request:  2678

              Current serial number in output stream: 


        Then I checked for PCI as per your mentioned command;


        sufian at system01:~
            # lspci | grep VGA

          03:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Matrox
            Electronics Systems Ltd. MGA G200EV


        I checked yast2 for
        any driver update, and it was up to date. I don't want to switch
        to OpenSUSE 13.2 for now. 

        Is there any earlier version of Chimera specific to my VGA ? I
        have also tried Chimera 1.8, but got same error.


        Kindly guide me.



        Muhammad Sufian


          Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2015 12:58:00 -0700

          From: gregc at cgl.ucsf.edu

          To: msufian at outlook.com; chimera-users at cgl.ucsf.edu

          Subject: Re: [Chimera-users] UCSF Chimera error: X Error of
          failed request: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window


          Try running "chimera --debug", it should give a clue where in
          the initialization process chimera died.  That said, it is
          most likely a graphics driver bug.  Run "lspci | grep VGA" to
          see what kind of graphics card you have.  Then, if OpenSUSE
          has a tool or package for that graphics card, install it.  If
          not, if you have ATI/AMD or NVIDIA graphics, you will download
          the right driver from amd.com or nvidia.com, respectively, and
          install it.  If you have Intel graphics, upgrade your system
          to OpenSUSE 13.2.


              Best of luck and please let me know if updating the
          graphics driver fixes the bug,




          On 03/12/2015 05:10 AM,
            Muhammad Sufian wrote:

              Dear all Chimera users,


                  I tried to install following version of Chimera;



                  but after installation, following error appeared after
                  its execution;

                  sufian at system01:/usr/local/chimera/bin>


                      X Error of failed
                        request:  BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window

                        Major opcode of
                        failed request:  72 (X_PutImage)

                        Resource id in
                        failed request:  0x2200064

                        Serial number of
                        failed request:  1357

                        Current serial
                        number in output stream:  1363


                  I also tried to install Chimera 1.9, but got same
                  error. My system specifications are;

                    Processor: x86_64 

                    Operating-system: GNU/Linux (OpenSUSE 12.1)

                    Kernel: Linux 3.4.63-2.44-desktop


                  Kindly guide me how to resolve this issue.





                Muhammad Sufian
                    scholar (Molecular Medicine),
                    Biology Laboratory,
                  Lab no.
                      P-103, PCMD-Extension,
                      Panjwani Center for Molecular Medicine and Drug

                      Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences
                University of
                    Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan


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