June 2014 Archives by date
Starting: Mon Jun 2 10:18:22 PDT 2014
Ending: Mon Jun 30 15:54:53 PDT 2014
Messages: 152
- [Chimera-users] Fetch biological unit?
Hurt, Darrell (NIH/NIAID) [E]
- [Chimera-users] Fetch biological unit?
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Fetch biological unit?
Hurt, Darrell (NIH/NIAID) [E]
- [Chimera-users] << creating MOL2 files with different SET records >>
Hatuey Hack
- [Chimera-users] Fetch biological unit?
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] Fetch biological unit?
Hurt, Darrell (NIH/NIAID) [E]
- [Chimera-users] Asking Help: Academic User
Robin Parmar
- [Chimera-users] About direct fetching biological assemblies into Chimera
Boaz Shaanan
- [Chimera-users] rotamers, contacts, H-bonds
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Chimera display problem
- [Chimera-users] Saving Sessions with surface data
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] << creating MOL2 files with different SET records >>
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] About direct fetching biological assemblies into Chimera
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] Chimera-users Digest, Vol 134, Issue 4
Boaz Shaanan
- [Chimera-users] Asking Help: Academic User
Greg Couch
- [Chimera-users] Chimera display problem
Greg Couch
- [Chimera-users] warning: Ignored bad PDB record found on line
Xiao-Bo Li
- [Chimera-users] Fwd: warning: Ignored bad PDB record found on line
Xiao-Bo Li
- [Chimera-users] normalizing attributes through point mutant models
Rubén Marrero Diaz De Villegas
- [Chimera-users] "ligand" category for selection
Hurt, Darrell (NIH/NIAID) [E]
- [Chimera-users] Setting the vertex density in a script
Hurt, Darrell (NIH/NIAID) [E]
- [Chimera-users] "ligand" category for selection
Hurt, Darrell (NIH/NIAID) [E]
- [Chimera-users] Setting the vertex density in a script
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] "ligand" category for selection
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] "ligand" category for selection
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] "ligand" category for selection
Hurt, Darrell (NIH/NIAID) [E]
- [Chimera-users] "ligand" category for selection
Hurt, Darrell (NIH/NIAID) [E]
- [Chimera-users] "ligand" category for selection
Eric Pettersen
- [Chimera-users] Setting the vertex density in a script
Hurt, Darrell (NIH/NIAID) [E]
- [Chimera-users] "ligand" category for selection
Eric Pettersen
- [Chimera-users] Setting the vertex density in a script
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] undo
Antón Vila Sanjurjo
- [Chimera-users] Missing cavities
Eric Pettersen
- [Chimera-users] Missing cavities
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] undo
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] Setting the vertex density in a script
Hurt, Darrell (NIH/NIAID) [E]
- [Chimera-users] Missing cavities
- [Chimera-users] electrostatic potential based on Swiss-Model
Jingga Inlora
- [Chimera-users] Setting the vertex density in a script
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] normalizing attributes through point mutant models
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] electrostatic potential based on Swiss-Model
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Fwd: warning: Ignored bad PDB record found on line
Eric Pettersen
- [Chimera-users] normalizing attributes through point mutant models
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] undo
Antón Vila Sanjurjo
- [Chimera-users] electrostatic potential based on Swiss-Model
Jingga Inlora
- [Chimera-users] electrostatic potential based on Swiss-Model
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] STL Output
Eric Bell
- [Chimera-users] CASTp data
Felipe Vasquez
- [Chimera-users] CASTp data
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] STL Output
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] "ligand" category for selection
Hurt, Darrell (NIH/NIAID) [E]
- [Chimera-users] STL Output
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] "ligand" category for selection
Eric Pettersen
- [Chimera-users] Fwd: STL Output
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] Fwd: STL Output
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] "ligand" category for selection
Hurt, Darrell (NIH/NIAID) [E]
- [Chimera-users] Icosahedral model
- [Chimera-users] Icosahedral model
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] python printing in x3d2collada.py
Dougherty, Matthew T
- [Chimera-users] python printing in x3d2collada.py
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] python printing in x3d2collada.py
Dougherty, Matthew T
- [Chimera-users] how can i register to use chimera
carlos martinez
- [Chimera-users] Subclass chimera.Molecule
Jaime Rodríguez-Guerra
- [Chimera-users] About direct fetching biological assemblies into Chimera
Hurt, Darrell (NIH/NIAID) [E]
- [Chimera-users] About direct fetc hing biological assemblies into Chimera
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] About direct fetc hing biological assemblies into Chimera
Hurt, Darrell (NIH/NIAID) [E]
- [Chimera-users] how can i register to use chimera
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Subclass chimera.Molecule
Greg Couch
- [Chimera-users] Subclass chimera.Molecule
Eric Pettersen
- [Chimera-users] easy way to make alignments in chimera
Michał Kadlof
- [Chimera-users] Subclass chimera.Molecule
Jaime Rodríguez-Guerra
- [Chimera-users] easy way to make alignments in chimera
Eric Pettersen
- [Chimera-users] Color by RMSD for multi-chain structure?
Oliver Clarke
- [Chimera-users] Color by RMSD for multi-chain structure?
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Color by RMSD for multi-chain structure?
Oliver Clarke
- [Chimera-users] Adding residue to two sides of DNA
Mehdi Bagherpour
- [Chimera-users] About direct fetc hing biological assemblies into Chimera
Hurt, Darrell (NIH/NIAID) [E]
- [Chimera-users] About direct fetc hing biological assemblies into Chimera
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] QUESTION
Eifler, Jay Q. (UMKC-Student)
- [Chimera-users] Chimera Plugins
Eric Bell
- [Chimera-users] user-defined charges
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Adding residue to two sides of DNA
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Adding residue to two sides of DNA
Eric Pettersen
- [Chimera-users] Chimera Plugins
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] com files & animation
Dougherty, Matthew T
- [Chimera-users] Chimera Plugins
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] com files & animation
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] delete atoms based on their coordinates
Aranha, Michelle
- [Chimera-users] delete atoms based on their coordinates
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] how to tranfer a .mrc file to .mtz file
- [Chimera-users] Attaching a Probe to Modify an Existing Amino Acid
Shana Burstein
- [Chimera-users] delete atoms based on their coordinates
Aranha, Michelle
- [Chimera-users] how to tranfer a .mrc file to .mtz file
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] Attaching a Probe to Modify an Existing Amino Acid
Eric Pettersen
- [Chimera-users] Icosahedral model
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] rename a residue?
Julian Tirado-Rives
- [Chimera-users] rename a residue?
Eric Pettersen
- [Chimera-users] how to tranfer a .mrc file to .mtz file
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] STL Resolution Issues
Eric Bell
- [Chimera-users] STL Resolution Issues
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] STL Resolution Issues
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] Icosahedral model
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] STL Resolution Issues
Hurt, Darrell (NIH/NIAID) [E]
- [Chimera-users] split
John Mercer
- [Chimera-users] split
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] split
John Mercer
- [Chimera-users] Attaching a Probe to Modify an Existing Amino Acid
Eric Pettersen
- [Chimera-users] Fwd: CCL: Coordinate system rotation
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Icosahedral model
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] side view crash
m.maletta at nki.nl
- [Chimera-users] side view crash
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] making capsid map from asymmetry unit.
Jian Guan
- [Chimera-users] making capsid map from asymmetry unit.
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] making capsid map from asymmetry unit.
Giovanni Cardone
- [Chimera-users] making capsid map from asymmetry unit.
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] making capsid map from asymmetry unit.
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] making capsid map from asymmetry unit.
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] Chimera scripting with --nogui can't write pdb files
rswett at chem.wayne.edu
- [Chimera-users] making capsid map from asymmetry unit.
Jian Guan
- [Chimera-users] making capsid map from asymmetry unit.
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] Chimera scripting with --nogui can't write pdb files
Eric Pettersen
- [Chimera-users] Build a quadruplex
sette at uniroma2.it
- [Chimera-users] Color by height from surface?
Oliver Clarke
- [Chimera-users] Rainbow by secondary structural element?
Oliver Clarke
- [Chimera-users] Color by height from surface?
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] Color by height from surface?
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] Rainbow by secondary structural element?
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] Build a quadruplex
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Urgent: surface calculus
Olivier Sire
- [Chimera-users] Rainbow by secondary structural element?
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] Build a quadruplex
sette at uniroma2.it
- [Chimera-users] Build a quadruplex
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Urgent: surface calculus
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Urgent: surface calculus
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Urgent: surface calculus
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Urgent: surface calculus
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Urgent: surface calculus
Olivier Sire
- [Chimera-users] Calculating ASA for side chain
saadraza at bs.qau.edu.pk
- [Chimera-users] Calculating ASA for side chain
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Calculating ASA for side chain
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Urgent: surface calculus
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Fo-Fc electron density maps
Egor Tchesnokov
- [Chimera-users] Fo-Fc electron density maps
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Fo-Fc electron density maps
Egor Tchesnokov
- [Chimera-users] Fo-Fc electron density maps
Oliver Clarke
- [Chimera-users] Calculating ASA for side chain
saadraza at bs.qau.edu.pk
- [Chimera-users] Fo-Fc electron density maps
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Fo-Fc electron density maps
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] Fo-Fc electron density maps
Oliver Clarke
- [Chimera-users] Fo-Fc electron density maps
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] Fo-Fc electron density maps
Oliver Clarke
- [Chimera-users] suggested improvements
Dougherty, Matthew T
Last message date:
Mon Jun 30 15:54:53 PDT 2014
Archived on: Fri Oct 18 16:41:23 PDT 2019
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).