[chimerax-users] Python/Pip Inquiry - ChimeraX - Nathan Wood

Nathan Wood woodn at ufl.edu
Mon Jul 5 18:20:49 PDT 2021

CORRECTION: The conda modules in question are not associated with ChimeraX

On 7/5/21 9:16 PM, Nathan Wood via ChimeraX-users wrote:
> Dear ChimeraX
> With regards to the python and pip utilities organic to ChimeraX, is
> it possible to use the conda installed modules within the same script
> executed by ChimeraX? When running the script through ChimeraX I
> return an error that the module is not found.
> The module was installed using "pip install -e . " while in the conda
> environment. When I attempted this using the pip provided in ChimeraX
> Daily Release (22/06/2021, Generic X64 Linux) I return the error:
> /"/tmp/chx-develop.eKjBho/ChimeraX.app/bin/python3.8: bad interpreter:
> No such file or directory"/
> This error can be resolved if I modify the /"#!"/ at the beginning of
> the pip in a text editor to the python3.8 found within ChimeraX, with
> pip installing correctly, but ChimeraX still returning that the module
> is not found. Furthermore I believe this method is not sound.
> Any assistance would be appreciated
> Very Respectfully,
> Nathan Wood
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