[Chimera-users] Surface exposed residue in a protein assembly

Alessandro Strofaldi alessandro.strofaldi at bristol.ac.uk
Thu Sep 30 07:06:37 PDT 2021

Dear Chimera developers,

I’m working on a protein complex and I’d like to analyse the SASA and hydrophobicity on the surface.
I have worked with Chimera before so I know how to do those basic tasks for a monomeric protein; however, since I have five monomers interacting together I was wondering how to calculate the SASA (and later showing the hydrophobic residues of the surface) excluding the monomer-monomer interfacial regions.
I would also need those values tabulated to show hydrophobicity vs primary sequence but still excluding the monomer-monomer interfaces!
It seems like there is no basic tool to do that (or am I missing something?); is there any procedure I could apply?
Unfortunately I can’t code in Python so I’m looking for a solution that involves using the GUI.

Thank you,
Best regards,
Alessandro Strofaldi, PhD
University of Bristol
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