September 2020 Archives by date
Starting: Tue Sep 1 05:52:19 PDT 2020
Ending: Wed Sep 30 09:55:08 PDT 2020
Messages: 163
- [Chimera-users] on mrc map splitting without losing resolution
Smith Lee
- [Chimera-users] on mrc map splitting without losing resolution
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Why is molmap changing the grid spacing and origin of simulated map
Ouadou, Anes (MU-Student)
- [Chimera-users] Why is molmap changing the grid spacing and origin of simulated map
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] flipping model in chimera
Dmitry Semchonok
- [Chimera-users] flipping model in chimera
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Question regarding saving protein-ligand and docking in Chimera
Tarazkar, Maryam
- [Chimera-users] Question regarding saving protein-ligand and docking in Chimera
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] (no subject)
Reeki Emrizal
- [Chimera-users] Autodock Vina receptor prep for RNA?
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] flipping model in chimera
Dmitry Semchonok
- [Chimera-users] flipping model in chimera
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] flipping model in chimera
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] Chimera autodock vina for ligand docking on RNA
Reeki Emrizal
- [Chimera-users] Chimera autodock vina for ligand docking on RNA
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] how to set initial threshold when opening a mrc
- [Chimera-users] Question regarding saving protein-ligand and docking in Chimera
Tarazkar, Maryam
- [Chimera-users] how to set initial threshold when opening a mrc
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Question regarding saving protein-ligand and docking in Chimera
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Question regarding saving protein-ligand and docking in Chimera
Tarazkar, Maryam
- [Chimera-users] Question regarding saving protein-ligand and docking in Chimera
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Saving marker file on command line
Rene Frank
- [Chimera-users] Saving marker file on command line
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Saving relaxed system in pdbqt format for Vina
Jatin Kashyap
- [Chimera-users] Saving relaxed system in pdbqt format for Vina
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Saving relaxed system in pdbqt format for Vina
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Saving relaxed system in pdbqt format for Vina
Jatin Kashyap
- [Chimera-users] Saving relaxed system in pdbqt format for Vina
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] generate helical symmetry mates around an axis
sadeem ahmad
- [Chimera-users] generate helical symmetry mates around an axis
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] generate helical symmetry mates around an axis
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] installation issues
Breves, Alexandra
- [Chimera-users] generate helical symmetry mates around an axis
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] generate helical symmetry mates around an axis
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] Question regarding saving protein-ligand and docking in Chimera
Tarazkar, Maryam
- [Chimera-users] Question regarding saving protein-ligand and docking in Chimera
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Question regarding saving protein-ligand and docking in Chimera
Tarazkar, Maryam
- [Chimera-users] issue with heme minimization
Rio Aquarius
- [Chimera-users] PDB saving
Henry Shook
- [Chimera-users] issue with heme minimization
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] PDB saving
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] PDB saving
Henry Shook
- [Chimera-users] issue with heme minimization
Rio Aquarius
- [Chimera-users] issue with heme minimization
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] issue with heme minimization
Rio Aquarius
- [Chimera-users] Is it possible to make a dimer from a monomer protein in chimera?
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] issue with heme minimization
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Is it possible to make a dimer from a monomer protein in chimera?
Tarazkar, Maryam
- [Chimera-users] Is it possible to make a dimer from a monomer protein in chimera?
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Is it possible to make a dimer from a monomer protein in chimera?
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Is it possible to make a dimer from a monomer protein in chimera?
Tarazkar, Maryam
- [Chimera-users] Is it possible to make a dimer from a monomer protein in chimera?
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Is it possible to make a dimer from a monomer protein in chimera?
Tarazkar, Maryam
- [Chimera-users] Is it possible to make a dimer from a monomer protein in chimera?
Clara Gilda Altomare
- [Chimera-users] Is it possible to make a dimer from a monomer protein in chimera?
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Is it possible to make a dimer from a monomer protein in chimera?
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Is it possible to make a dimer from a monomer protein in chimera?
Clara Gilda Altomare
- [Chimera-users] issue with heme minimization
Rio Aquarius
- [Chimera-users] Zone in pixel or Angstrom?
Dieter Blaas
- [Chimera-users] Zone in pixel or Angstrom?
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] Zone in pixel or Angstrom?
Dieter Blaas
- [Chimera-users] Backbone RMSD
Zhang, Bixia
- [Chimera-users] Backbone RMSD
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Euler angles and rotations
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Backbone RMSD
Zhang, Bixia
- [Chimera-users] Error "No MMTK name for atom "H" in standard residue “G""
Jatin Kashyap
- [Chimera-users] Error "No MMTK name for atom "H" in standard residue “G""
Eric Pettersen
- [Chimera-users] Error "No MMTK name for atom "H" in standard residue “G""
Jatin Kashyap
- [Chimera-users] Error "No MMTK name for atom "H" in standard residue “G""
Eric Pettersen
- [Chimera-users] Error "No MMTK name for atom "H" in standard residue “G""
Jatin Kashyap
- [Chimera-users] Error "No MMTK name for atom "H" in standard residue “G""
Eric Pettersen
- [Chimera-users] Chimera-users Digest, Vol 209, Issue 27
Jatin Kashyap
- [Chimera-users] Chimera-users Digest, Vol 209, Issue 27
Eric Pettersen
- [Chimera-users] generate helical symmetry mates around an axis
sadeem ahmad
- [Chimera-users] measurement of arc-length (geodesic distance) between atoms on a protein surface?
Wiener, Michael C (mcw2s)
- [Chimera-users] measurement of arc-length (geodesic distance) between atoms on a protein surface?
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Molecular Dynamics
Edmund Marinelli
- [Chimera-users] measurement of arc-length (geodesic distance) between atoms on a protein surface?
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] Backbone RMSD
Zhang, Bixia
- [Chimera-users] Backbone RMSD
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Molecular Dynamics
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] matchmaker and MSA
arrafzaher at
- [Chimera-users] Molecular Dynamics
Jean-Didier Pierre Marechal
- [Chimera-users] matchmaker and MSA
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Backbone RMSD
Zhang, Bixia
- [Chimera-users] matchmaker and MSA
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Backbone RMSD
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Backbone RMSD
Zhang, Bixia
- [Chimera-users] matchmaker and MSA
arrafzaher at
- [Chimera-users] matchmaker and MSA
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] matchmaker and MSA
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] matchmaker and MSA
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] matchmaker and MSA
arrafzaher at
- [Chimera-users] Setting a pathway/trajectory for a molecule
Rani Wiswedel
- [Chimera-users] matchmaker and MSA
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Setting a pathway/trajectory for a molecule
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Setting a pathway/trajectory for a molecule
Rani Wiswedel
- [Chimera-users] Setting a pathway/trajectory for a molecule
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] alpha carbon atom as sphere
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] alpha carbon atom as sphere
- [Chimera-users] electrostatic interactions
- [Chimera-users] Setting a pathway/trajectory for a molecule
Rani Wiswedel
- [Chimera-users] electrostatic interactions
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Using iBabel to convert Chimera's pdb to pdbqt
Jatin Kashyap
- [Chimera-users] Using iBabel to convert Chimera's pdb to pdbqt
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Using iBabel to convert Chimera's pdb to pdbqt
Jatin Kashyap
- [Chimera-users] Stereo Red Cyan
Angus McDonald
- [Chimera-users] Stereo Red Cyan
Michael Elbaum
- [Chimera-users] Stereo Red Cyan
Greg Couch
- [Chimera-users] electrostatic interactions
- [Chimera-users] Writing a SINGLE pose (with ligand and protein) to a PDB file
Edmund Marinelli
- [Chimera-users] electrostatic interactions
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Writing a SINGLE pose (with ligand and protein) to a PDB file
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] alias command
Özkan Yildiz
- [Chimera-users] Stereo Red Cyan
Greg Couch
- [Chimera-users] alias command
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Stereo Red Cyan
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Stereo Red Cyan
Angus McDonald
- [Chimera-users] Stereo Red Cyan
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] Fitting structure in rescaled map
Ahmad Khalifa
- [Chimera-users] Fitting structure in rescaled map
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] electrostatic interactions
- [Chimera-users] modeling insertion or deletion mutants
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] matchmaker and MSA
arrafzaher at
- [Chimera-users] Stereo Red Cyan
Angus McDonald
- [Chimera-users] Open .mrcs stack in chimera
Ahmad Khalifa
- [Chimera-users] matchmaker and MSA
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Open .mrcs stack in chimera
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] matchmaker and MSA
arrafzaher at
- [Chimera-users] X-PLOR format, finding a maximum
Gustaf Olsson
- [Chimera-users] Is RTX support planned?
Gokhan Tolun
- [Chimera-users] matchmaker and MSA
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Error reading multiple models
Francesco Pietra
- [Chimera-users] Error reading multiple models
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] X-PLOR format, finding a maximum
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] Is RTX support planned?
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] clustering models of a single pdb
Subhrangshu Das
- [Chimera-users] Troubleshooting request for help
Cain, Cheryl A
- [Chimera-users] Troubleshooting request for help
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Troubleshooting request for help
Goins, Jerquan (NIH/NCI) [C]
- [Chimera-users] Troubleshooting request for help
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] clustering models of a single pdb
Eric Pettersen
- [Chimera-users] tile from command line
Dieter Blaas
- [Chimera-users] tile from command line
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Troubleshooting request for help
Saswat, Tanuja (NIH/NCI) [F]
- [Chimera-users] Chimera session file names should end in .py or.pyc
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] clustering models of a single pdb
Subhrangshu Das
- [Chimera-users] scipy
Hernando J Sosa
- [Chimera-users] clustering models of a single pdb
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] vop subtract removing too much of my map
Ahmad Khalifa
- [Chimera-users] vop subtract removing too much of my map
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] vop subtract removing too much of my map
Ahmad Khalifa
- [Chimera-users] vop subtract removing too much of my map
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] vop subtract removing too much of my map
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] vop subtract removing too much of my map
Ahmad Khalifa
- [Chimera-users] vop subtract removing too much of my map
Tom Goddard
- [Chimera-users] vop subtract removing too much of my map
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Chimera session file names should end in .py or.pyc
Saswat, Tanuja (NIH/NCI) [F]
- [Chimera-users] scipy
Eric Pettersen
- [Chimera-users] bound ligand's are exposed to solvent. Current calculations do not protect surface of ligand embedded in protein
Anne-Frances Miller
- [Chimera-users] Undo for volume eraser
Ahmad Khalifa
- [Chimera-users] bound ligand's are exposed to solvent. Current calculations do not protect surface of ligand embedded in protein
Elaine Meng
- [Chimera-users] Undo for volume eraser
Elaine Meng
Last message date:
Wed Sep 30 09:55:08 PDT 2020
Archived on: Wed Sep 30 09:55:11 PDT 2020
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).