[Chimera-users] angle between subunits

chemocev marker jirivitali at gmail.com
Sat Nov 26 08:47:49 PST 2016

Hi All

I am interested to measure the angle between chain A and chain B of
heterodimer, and both sequence identity is around 14%. I can measure the
angle by selecting 3 atoms on chain A and chain B but this is bias because,
if I change the residues then the angle will be different.

I can also measure by structure measurement options and defining the axes
and all the create axes for all the helices in the chain A and chain B and
measure the angle between two helices on chain A and chain B. I am not sure
if its a right way to claim the angle between chain A and chain B in one
PDB file.

I also try to use the

"match :.A at CA
<http://plato.cgl.ucsf.edu/mailman/listinfo/chimera-users> :.B at CA
<http://plato.cgl.ucsf.edu/mailman/listinfo/chimera-users> move false
show true"

But it gives the rotation angle. As I am comparing the different
homologous structureswhere chain B shows more identity but the each
structure have a different state giving a unique angle between chains.

What can be best option to measure this???


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