[Chimera-users] Using the findHbond via Python Midas Module

Ahir Pushpanath ahir29 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 22 02:47:16 PDT 2015

Dear All,
             I am confused about what input I need to provide to the
findHbond command in the FindHBond midas module. This is the help() on the

findHBonds(models, intermodel=True, intramodel=True, donors=None,
acceptors=None, distSlop=0.0, angleSlop=0.0, interSubmodel=False,

For example if I want to find all H bonds between a pre-selected group of
residues in loop, saved as:

loop = chimera.selection.currentAtoms() and the rest of the protein
molecule, what command would I have to run? I am assuming the output(such
as the one given in the findHbonds runcommand) would be saved into a
variable if I provide one?


Dr. Ahir Pushpanath* PhD.*
Senior Biologist,
Johnson Matthey.
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