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Access to RBVI Resources

Any researcher with a legimate scientific need for access to the software tools and/or visualization hardware we have available, or the various databases we maintain, can apply for a RBVI User Account. Send e-mail to Scooter Morris, RBVI Executive Director, at scooter [at] cgl.ucsf.edu to obtain an account application form or print and complete this PDF form. Please pay particular attention to the section on the form describing the requirement for an extended abstract that provides an overview of your research project, how you intend to use RBVI resources as part of this project, and how this use fits within the mission of our Research Center. Users must also sign a statement concurring with our policy on computer security and on electronic communications. The completed application form and signed concurrence statement should be returned to us or FAXed to 415-502-1755.

Account Approval Process

Potential users of the Resource for Biocomputing, Visualization, and Informatics (RBVI) must fill out an account application form which then must be approved by the Resource Director. This usually takes a day or two. Accounts are reviewed annually (occasionally more often) to make sure usage conforms to established guidelines and to insure that our scarce resources are being used for the purposes we intended when we applied to NIH for funding of the Resource. Occasionally a user's account may be terminated if it is determined computer usage is not appropriate to the charter of our Resource Center. The decision to terminate an account may be appealed in writting to the RBVI Executive Committee. We request that users who no longer need use of their account notify us so that their account can be deactivated. (We retain user files on backup tapes indefinitely, so a user can always have access to past data even if their account is terminated.) Accounts which have been inactive for 180 days or more are also deactivated.

As we are required by our funding agency, the NIH, to submit a detailed Annual Report summarizing usage of our facility, we in turn require all users to submit a summary of their research progress annually. Failure to provide a research progress report in a timely manner when requested to do so will result in termination of your account.

Annual Research Progress Report

Approximately every twelve months we will request the following information from you:

  1. The title(s) and a one page description(s) of each of your research projects that depend on the Resource for Biocomputing, Visualization, and Informatics. It is important to describe how you make use of the Resource in your writeups. Please use first person style writing in your report.
  2. A list of the titles and grant numbers of your relevant supporting grants (NIH [noting which institute], NSF, DOE, etc.). NIH makes extensive use of this information as an indication of how funding is maximally leveraged.
  3. A list of publications from the previous twelve month period which depended upon RBVI resources (i.e. workstations, software [e.g. Chimera], collaborations with RBVI staff, photographs made with RBVI software, etc.).
  4. A list of the titles and dates of presentations made at scientific conferences and seminars in which you used images or video clips generated at the Resource during the previous twelve month period.

We realize that reporting on your research progress annually is yet another burden to you, but the Resource for Biocomputing, Visualization, and Informatics exists in part because of the generous funding we receive annually from the NIH, which requires specific information from the Centers that they fund. We give details of the information that we will be asking from you now in hopes that you keep this requirement in mind as the year progresses and thereby minimize the burden in making your individual progress report when we ask for it.

If you already have an RBVI account, you can access and update the current information we have for you and your research project at any time by visiting our on-line annual progress report form.

Acknowledging Use of the Laboratory

Following NIH policy, all use of the Resource for Biocomputing, Visualization, and Informatics Laboratory must be acknowledged. If possible, the number of our supporting NIH grant (NIGMS P41-GM103311) should be included in the acknowledgment.

For use of our program UCSF Chimera, please see citing Chimera.

Additional Information

Got questions? We'll certainly try to answer them. Just send e-mail to scooter [at] cgl.ucsf.edu.

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