[Chimera-users] morph and 2dlabels

Tom Goddard goddard at sonic.net
Tue Jan 17 12:29:45 PST 2012

Hi Matthias,

   Here's an example Chimera command script that morphs between two 
maps, spins it around, and fades labels in and out, and records a movie.


> Hi,
> I have generated a movie in which a morph "loop" between volume A and B is running while the volume is rotating...this works fine.
> Is there a convenient way to fade in a 2D label whenever the volume B endpoint is reached during morphing (at exactly this frame and maybe a few adjacent ones to make it smoother)? Even better would be if it were possible to label both endpoints (as "volume A" and "volume B").
> In effect, this should result in a 2dlabels fade-in/out loop that is synchronous with the morph loop.
> I would greatly appreciate your help!
> Best regards

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