[Chimera-users] HELP: I'm wondering about how to access the surface data

Tom Goddard goddard at cgl.ucsf.edu
Fri Apr 16 18:08:01 PDT 2010

Forgot to mention the mscalc Python interface is the Python 
MolecularSurface module found in


or on the Mac in


Look at the calcsurf.py code which runs the mscalc stand-alone program 
(include in Chimera) and look at msurf.py if you are interested in the 
Chimera SurfaceModel class which displays the surface in the graphics 


> Hi chimera users,
> I'm wondering about several question:
> I installed chimera in my home dir, what's path to import  in python?
> how can I access the data generated by mscalc in python?

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