[Chimera-users] Control of the volume viewer from the command line

Lukas Palatinus palat at fzu.cz
Tue Nov 28 01:08:51 PST 2006

Hello all,
I am trying to make a movie showing an evolution of an electron  
density map during an iterative optimization. For each optimization  
step I have one density map as volume data in xplor format. I depict  
the maps using the volume viewer, where I can set the number and  
level of the isosurface thresholds as well as their color. However,  
each newly opened map opens with default threshold setting, which is  
not suitable for my purposes. I make the movie using a command file  
of the type:

open density1.xplor
movie record
wait 10
movie stop
close 0
open density2.xplor
movie record
wait 10
movie stop

I would need to be able to control the properties of the isosurfaces  
of the newly opened map from the command line or from the script  
file, or find a way to preserve the properties set for the first map  
in all subsequently opened maps. The search in Chimera manual did not  
lead me anywhere. Could anyone give me a hint how to proceed?

With best regards


Lukas Palatinus
Laboratoire de Cristallographie
EPFL Lausanne
Tel.: +41 (0)21 693 0639
mailto: palat at fzu.cz

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