[Chimera-users] Question concerning rotamer choosing

Eric Pettersen pett at cgl.ucsf.edu
Tue Jan 3 09:26:46 PST 2023

To answer the Python side of this, chimera.Rotamers.getRotamers(residue) gets a list of rotamers (really Molecule instances) for that residue (Dunbrack library by default).  Each of those Molecule instances has a 'rotamerProb' attribute, which is the value you see in the graphical user interface.  You apply the rotamer you want by calling chimera.Rotamers.useRotamer(residue, rotamers) where rotamers is a list of rotamers to apply, probably just one (at a time) in your case because if you supply multiple rotamers then they will all be used by putting each one in a different alternate location.


	Eric Pettersen
	UCSF Computer Graphics Lab

> On Jan 2, 2023, at 6:26 AM, Noe Robert via Chimera-users <chimera-users at cgl.ucsf.edu> wrote:
> Hi, 
> I'm currently trying to write a python script which automatizes mutageneses on Chimera 1.16, and calculates clashes inducted by the change of amino acid through a local minimization (which explains why I'm using Chimera instead of ChimeraX). 
> I would like to choose which rotamer to use depending on their probability from the rotamer library Dunbrack (for instance, when probability is >0.1), which is visible on the "Rotamers graphical user interface". Is there a way to extract these probability values using a script, in order to run it on a certain number of rotamers ? That way it would be quite automated.
> On Jul 1, 2015, Eric Pettersen advised to modify the "Python script that uses the functions in the Rotamers module" (here <https://www.cgl.ucsf.edu/pipermail/chimera-users/2015-July/011193.html>), but I don't which one it is.
> Thank you,
> Noé Robert,
> Fifth-year student in bioengineering, minor in Bioinformatics and Modelling, at engineering school Polytech Nice Sophia, France
> Phone : +33 7 81 00 52 02
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