[Chimera-users] Color volume series by per voxel variance?

Oliver Clarke olibclarke at gmail.com
Tue Nov 23 08:13:51 PST 2021

Hi all,

Is there any way in either Chimera or X to calculate the per voxel variance of a volume series, and then use that to color the individual voxels in each frame?

When one has a series of volumes showing a subtle conformational change - lets say identified using cryoDRGN or 3D variability analysis in cryoSPARC - it would be nice to be able to visually highlight on the map the region that is changing the most, in some kind of quantitatively sound way. 

Often local changes are visually apparent when looking at the maps and rotating them around, but don't necessarily stand out in a movie of the whole volume.

Coloring the series of maps (which are all on the same grid) by the variance of the density value at each voxel might be one way to visualize this. Is this possible?


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