[Chimera-users] Creating new models from existing crystal structures

Moradkhan, Tiglath A tmoradkhan at csus.edu
Mon Feb 8 12:35:17 PST 2021


I'm trying to join two models together using the Build Structure tool but I'm having problems. Here is my process.

  1.  Using the 3R2P crystal structure I select residues 3-130 from chain A and 131-182 from chain B
  2.  Then using the following command in Chimera I select the N atom of residue 130 that will form a bond with the C atom of residue 131: sel #0:130 at N#1:131 at C (#0 is the name of the 3-130 segment and #1 is the name of the 131-182 segment)
  3.  Then using the Build Structure tool I select Form C-N peptide bond, but the Apply button doesn't activate.

I don't understand what the issue is. Is the command that I've written wrong?

I would be very glad for your help. I can provide the pdb files of the residue segments if necessary.


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