[Chimera-users] Using python to run rotamer

mailman-bounces at cgl.ucsf.edu mailman-bounces at cgl.ucsf.edu
Wed Aug 5 01:21:07 PDT 2020

From: benjamintam <benjamintam at um.edu.mo <mailto:benjamintam at um.edu.mo>>
Subject: Using python to run rotamer 
Date: August 5, 2020 at 12:49:55 AM PDT
To: Chimera-users <chimera-users-bounces at cgl.ucsf.edu <mailto:chimera-users-bounces at cgl.ucsf.edu>>

Dear all,
I am trying to simplify tedious and repetitive work through using Chimera. My work has to substitute a list of residue on a protein. For each row of the list, after the substitution, I need to save it as a separate file.
Since I am a beginner of python coding, I would like to ask the following question before I attempt to code:
-From what I said, is it possible to do it in Chimera?
-Do I just call the Rotamer program out by using “useRotamers()”? If it is using that, how do I provide the residue number and residue type into the program?
Thanks for your time and help. 
Best regards,
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