[Chimera-users] (no subject)

Susy López susannalopez18 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 24 07:24:40 PDT 2019

Dear Tom Goddard

I would just like to know if there is any command in Chimera, which allows
me to identify the atoms that are part of the total solvent accessible
surface area (SAS).

I will try to explain my question with an example.



open 121p

select :62

show sel

Select>residue>all nonstandard


select :62 at OE1

surface sel

[image: image.png]

As shown in the image, I have identified an atom that forms the surface
accessible to the solvent. However, to identify the total atoms of that
protein I have to select atom by atom, which implies a lot of time and more
if I have several proteins.

So, I would like to know, if it´s possible to obtain a command that allows
me to select all the atoms at the same time, specifying the atoms that are
part of the total solvent accessible surface area(SAS).

Thank you (:

kind regards,

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