[Chimera-users] Volume Viewer Planes

Michael Elbaum michael.elbaum at weizmann.ac.il
Tue Feb 12 00:12:34 PST 2019

Hi.  Here's an issue regarding the use of "Planes" in the Volume Viewer, not really a proper bug but often an inconvenience. When I choose a subset of Planes there is obviously some calculation, and the calculation has to be redone when I move the slider. For a large volume this can be very slow, especially for Surface rendering. If I use the number box to save time, the calculation updates for each change "instantaneously", meaning slowly. For example if I want to move from 110 to 85, the calculation updates for 11, 1, 8, and 85. I think it would be more efficient to wait for an Enter, or even just to add a delay of 2-3 seconds. I hope you can consider this in future versions.
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