[Chimera-users] vop scale and vop morph (maybe chimeraX?)

Oliver Clarke olibclarke at gmail.com
Thu May 11 11:11:11 PDT 2017


When I morph two maps, if they have different mean/sd, I always have to scale the mean and sd of the second map to that of the first, otherwise the morph looks very non-linear - nothing happens until fraction 0.9, and then the morphing happens increasingly fast (so not ideal for visualization).

If I normalize one map to the other I get a beautiful, smooth, linear morph.

Would it be possible in either chimera or chimeraX to automate this? Either to add an option to vop scale to scale one map directly to the parameters of another (rather than having to use vop measure mapstats) or to have an option for vop morph to put both maps on the same scale?


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