[Chimera-users] Morph structure with ligands.

Hernando J Sosa hernando.sosa at einstein.yu.edu
Tue Jul 11 08:44:00 PDT 2017

Dear Chimera,

When using the morphing structure tool (Tools->Structure comparison->Morph Structures) to create a movie between two structures  with ligands (HETATM)  the ligands are usually excluded from the resulting  morphed model movie. What  has to be done to keep the ligands?
I noticed  that a morph-movie created between a structure and a copy of it  (created by making a copy in the model panel and moving the  position of the copy)  does keep the ligands, However,   in most other cases the ligands disappear, even when the ligands in the two structures have the same assigned  'residue' number in the pdb files.



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