[Chimera-users] Chimera - Saving multiples files

Elza Sofia Fonseca fonseca.ess at gmail.com
Fri Jun 17 12:49:03 PDT 2016

Dear all,

I am Elza Fonseca, a PhD student of the University of Porto and I am now
learning to do dockings.

I am using Chimera for open the results from SwissDock and I would like to
save it like a multiple file. However I always get the same error message:
"You must provide a file name that contains either $name or $number, which
will be changed to the model name or model number (respectively) in the
final saved file name".
I don't understand what "$name or $number" means...
I want to save the protein - target.pdb (#0) - and the model (#1.1), so I
selected these ones and in the name I wrote docking1.1.pdb, but it didn't

May you please help me solving it? I apologize for my ignorance.

Best regards,


*Elza Fonseca*

00351 966 199 802

PhD  student

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