[Chimera-users] Surface clip coloring

Michał Kadlof m.kadlof at cent.uw.edu.pl
Fri Dec 16 03:58:31 PST 2016

How can color volume by value with binning several values into single

I achived the effect partialy by opening several times the same map. set
different thresholds and colors to each one and playing with Per-Model
Clipping tool, but it have some drawbacks. Planes can't be at exact same
level because I observe artifacts. So I tried to move slightly inner layers
upp, but still I observe "staris" effect.

I also tried with Surface color tool, but it uses interpolation and blends
colors togather.

In other words I need something like this:

instead of something like this:

pozdrawiam serdecznie
Michał Kadlof <m.kadlof at cent.uw.edu.pl>
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