[Chimera-users] Morph volumes after alignment

Haselbach, David david.haselbach at mpibpc.mpg.de
Sun Jun 28 10:13:47 PDT 2015

Dear all,

I have a few volumetric cryo EM Maps of the same protein in different conformations. And I would like to morph between those conformations. However, the volumes are not perfectly aligned in first place. So I align all of them on one of the maps using the "fit in map" functionality.  This works great and when I look through the different structures with the volume viewer, they are perfectly aligned. However, if I morph through the maps using the following command:

vop morph #0-19 playstep 0.003 constantVolume true frames 1000

the maps are morphed in their original position so the morph is quite jumpy.

Is there a way to morph through them in the aligned coordinate system directly?

Kind regards



Dr. David Haselbach
Max-Planck-Institut für biophysikalische Chemie
AG Stark
Am Fassberg 11
D-37077 Goettingen
dhaselb at gwdg.de<mailto:dhaselb at gwdg.de>

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