[Chimera-users] Electrostatic Potential based on Poisson-Boltzmann using APBS

leila karami karami.leila1 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 17 13:11:21 PDT 2015

Dear Elaine,

1) "report values" gives only 3 values (x coord, y coord, z coord)  and not
4 values.

2) Based on your suggestion, I did following steps:

Tools... structure Editing... pdb2pqr

But I encountered with:

Service 'opal:pdb2pqr_1.8' is unavailable.

3) Again, I tried the apbs in command line.

To have my dx and the PDB files, please check the following links:


Again, electrostatic surface is as black and white instead of red and blue.

Thanks in advance,
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