[Chimera-users] ribbon options disappeared after upgrade

Elaine Meng meng at cgl.ucsf.edu
Tue Nov 25 09:00:10 PST 2014

Dear Bala,
These ribbon styles don't come with Chimera, but are user-created and saved in your preferences file.  The only styles that come with Chimera are:  flat, rounded, edged, and supersmooth. The custom styles would have been either created by you, or you could have gotten them inside of some session file that you got from somebody else.  They could be created with Ribbon Style Editor (in menu under Tools.. Depiction), "Cross Section" tab.

Generally when you change Chimera versions, you will still have your previous preferences file and things like that would stay the same.  So I can only say you must be using a different or new preferences file.

I attached a session file (for Chimera 1.9 or later) that will "infect" your current preferences file with some extra styles when you open it, including one named "aitch," but it could be different from the "aitch" you had before.   This is better than giving you one of my preferences files with the styles, which would also overwrite all your other Chimera preferences.

Elaine C. Meng, Ph.D. 
UCSF Computer Graphics Lab (Chimera team) and Babbitt Lab
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
University of California, San Francisco

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On Nov 25, 2014, at 4:34 AM, Bala subramanian <bala.biophysics at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Within the ribbon option under action tool: i used to have additional choices like aitch,wave, octave, etc etc. 
> After an ubuntu upgrade, with chimera 1.9 and 1.10 (i tried both). These extra options dont appear under ribbon. What is going wrong ?. Do i need to install something ?
> Bala
> -- 
> C. Balasubramanian

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