[Chimera-users] Querie: Ligand superimposition

Graziella Portelli graziellaportelli at gmail.com
Fri Sep 6 05:26:34 PDT 2013

Dear Chimera Team

Hope this email finds you in good health.

I am using UCSF Chimeria for my de Novo drug design disseration.
I am still learning the basic functions that this software offers, however
have not been able to figure out the following.
Basically I need to put into one picture/frame the original ligand or my
receptor and the possible ligands (generated by Ligbuilder). They have the
same general structure with some changes and I need to superimpose them,
but show them at separate levels. Is this possible to do this for only the
ligands and not the receptor protein?

I eagerly await your reply,

Graziella Portelli
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