[Chimera-users] triggering events when findhbond finds a bond

Anne Bowen adb at tacc.utexas.edu
Mon Jun 4 14:42:01 PDT 2012


I currently have a "Per-Frame Command" set up (in the MD Movie dialog) that finds the H bonds (findhbond makePseudobonds true lineWidth 2.0 color green intramodel true intermodel false selRestrict any)
 every frame of a trajectory.  Whenever a hbond is detected,  I would like to turn the entire structure a different color just for that frame, and then have it go back to being colored by heteroatom.  Is there an easy way to accomplish this?  I tried to look through the documentation to determine if "findhbond" could return true or false if an h bond was found and it did not seem like it was possible.  Is the only way to do this to change the findhbond script itself? Any help or suggestions is greatly appreciated!

Thank you,

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