[Chimera-users] Morphing volumes

Tom Goddard goddard at sonic.net
Tue May 10 11:49:57 PDT 2011

Hi Tom,

   The morph tool just linearly interpolates between the grid points in 
the two maps.  So it doesn't use a new alignment of the maps that you 
did before morphing.  To make that work you should interpolate one of 
the maps on the grid of the other map after you've made the alignment.  
Then you can morph between the two maps which are now defined on the 
same grid.  To do that interpolation use the vop (volume operation command):

     vop resample #1 ongrid #0

This command makes a new copy of map #0 interpolating on the grid of map 
#1.  Another issue that may arise is that the map density values are 
scaled differently.  You can apply a scale factor in the Morph Map 
options panel to correct that.

   Here's a video tutorial that demonstrates the alignment, 
interpolation, and scale factor



> Hi,
> I have two 3D-EM volumes that I wish to use the morph option for.  I can align the two maps in chimera by hand so that they sit well together but the problem is I want to be able to create a morph video from the maps new positions.  When I use the morph option it only allows me to create a morph from the original set starting positions of each volume.  Is there a way to get around this?  I would be very thankful for any help or guidance.
> Tom
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