[Chimera-users] Stable 64bit version

Guy Hughes guy.hughes at postgrad.manchester.ac.uk
Tue Jun 28 07:58:13 PDT 2011


I am an MPhil researcher at the University of Manchester based in laboratory of Professor Bob Ford. I have been using cryo-electron tomography to build a 3D volume containing mucins (High Mr heavily glycosylated polypeptides) which are what my research focusses on. We use a Tecnai 300kV Polara and Gatan's Digital Micrograph software to create tomograms of our samples and then IMOD to view them.

Recently I was told that Chimera would be a very useful tool when married with the data from IMOD so I downloaded a copy from your website. I regret to admit that I had several problems with the programme and eventually had to delete. The main problem was that my computer continued to blue-screen and perform very slowly if at all. The labtop I was using has the following spec.;
CPU: Intel Core i5
VGA: NVIDIA Geforce 310M/1GB DDR3
OS: Windows 7 64-bit

Is my PC inadequate or is it possible I downloades a corrupted/unstable version of Chimera?

I would very much like to try and start using Chimera again but would first like some advice on what the original problem may have been.

Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.


Guy Hughes.
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