[Chimera-users] Formation of coordination bond

Enrico Morelli morelli at cerm.unifi.it
Mon May 18 08:22:01 PDT 2009

Dear all,

We would like to know if is it possible, when we have two molecules
docked together, to form a coordination bond between a metal ion
present in one of the two molecules and a donor atom of the
other molecule, in such way forming a covalent bond between the two


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|     ENRICO MORELLI         |  email: morelli at CERM.UNIFI.IT       |
| *     *       *       *    |  phone: +39 055 4574269             |
|  University of Florence    |  fax  : +39 055 4574253             |
|  CERM - via Sacconi, 6 -  50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI) - ITALY    |

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