[Chimera-users] Letter Reference for Amino Acid Atoms

Sarah Himes shimes at umd.edu
Tue Feb 17 21:01:13 PST 2009

My name is Sarah Himes.  I'm a graduate student at
the University of Maryland.  I'm researching
alkaline phosphatase for an advanced course.  I'm
using the file 1ALK in Chimera.  I'm pretty familiar
with Chimera but I had a question regarding the
letter notation of amino acid atoms when you scroll
over them. 
Here are some examples: 
His370 (NE2)
Ser102 (CB)
Ser102 (N)
Asp327 (OD1)
Asp327 (OD2)
Glu322 (OE2)
My question is, what do the letters in parentheses
mean, what do they correspond to?  When these
letters show up in Chimera, there are no
I look forward to hearing from you shortly.  Thank
you for your time.
Sarah Himes
shimes at umd.edu
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