[Chimera-users] is there a way...

Connie Oshiro oshiroc at pharmgkb.org
Wed Aug 26 14:48:50 PDT 2009

Elaine, et al--

I have a chimera session that was saved a while back (xxx.py).  I can open
it and view it in chimera.
Question:  Is there a way to extract/recontruct the commands that were used
to create the view that I have?  In this case, all commands were executed on
the command line.

The history file doesn't go back far enough.

I took a look at the python file and didn't find midas/chimera commands.
For example, I know I used "rainbow", with  some options for the colors, but
I don't see "rainbow" in the .py file.

thanks for any info.
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