[Chimera-users] Moving atom labels

Michael Day mikeday at caltech.edu
Thu Aug 6 18:02:59 PDT 2009

How does one change the position of atom labels? For small  
coordination complexes the default atom labels land on the atom and it  
would be nice to move them as a whole or individually so they are  
alongside the atom ball or anisotropic ellipsoid.

While I'm on the ellipsoid topic; has there been progress on  
overlaying axis on the ellipsoids? I know I originally asked about  
axis and shaded octants but after using the anisotropic option for the  
last month or so I notice tat there is a tremendous amount of  
information conveyed with just the color and shape and shaded octants  
may not add much information (in fact it may just confuse the issue).

Your implementation of thermal ellipsoids is very, very useful!


Dr. Michael W. Day
Director - X-ray Crystallography Lab & Molecular Observatory
California Institute of Technology
Mail Code 139-74
Pasadena, CA 91125

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Beckman Institute, Room 116
Phone: (626) 395-2734
Fax: (626) 449-4159
e-mail: mikeday at caltech.edu

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