[Chimera-users] surface capping command

Tom Goddard goddard at cgl.ucsf.edu
Tue Sep 9 12:01:04 PDT 2008

Hi Gabe,

  There's no nice way to turn on surface caps from the command-line.  I 
have a keyboard shortcut "clip and cap" (cc) that turns on per-model 
clipping on the first surface model and enables capping.  It can be run 
using the command-line instead of using a shortcut with command "ac 
cc".  You might think some trick, like not having any surface opened and 
using "ac cc" could turn on capping but no luck -- it does nothing if no 
surface is opened.  You could do something unpretty like use "ac cc" 
with a surface showing and then use the mclip command to turn off the 
undesired per-model clipping on that surface.

  Another route is to use "open capson.py" where the capson.py file is a 
bit of python code attached to this email and capson.py is placed in the 
same directory as the command script you are using it from.

  I'll add a specific request for a surface capping command to our 
feature request list.  All the Chimera capabilities should have command 
equivalents but we have been lazy and not done that (yet).


Gabriel Lander wrote:
> Is there a way to turn on surface capping from the Chimera command line?

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