[Chimera-users] preferences - povray - keep input files doesn't

Elaine Meng meng at cgl.ucsf.edu
Sat Mar 15 12:53:20 PDT 2008

Hi Klaas,
Movie recording overrides the "wait for POV-Ray" and "keep POV-Ray  
input files" options, as mentioned here:


Our thinking was probably to prevent users from accidentally filling  
their disks with an avalanche of the very large *.pov files.  However,  
obviously this prevents you from doing what you want.

I can't think of any current "user interface" way to specify saving  
the files or not actually rendering them during movie recording  
(although we should probably discuss them as possible developments). I  
am hoping one of the programmers can suggest how to modify the Chimera  
Python code to do those things.

If you are using the MD Movie tool, its per-frame script option can be  
used to export a file at each trajectory frame (more detail below).   
However, if there is not a 1-to-1 relationship between MD Movie  
trajectory frames and the frames you want in your movie, or if you are  
using Movie Recorder or the movie command (not MD Movie), I believe  
that modifying your copy of Chimera would be the more practical option.

What you would put in a MD Movie per-frame script:
The most recent versions of Chimera include an "export" command with a  
POV-Ray option (try the command "export list" just to see if your  
version has it, if not, get a newer daily build):
Older versions have a similar command "x3dsave" but it only saves the  
X3D format, which could subsequently be converted to povray files with  
"x3d2pov" - the latter program is included with Chimera, as mentioned  

Elaine C. Meng, Ph.D.                          meng at cgl.ucsf.edu
UCSF Computer Graphics Lab and Babbitt Lab
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
University of California, San Francisco

On Mar 15, 2008, at 8:01 AM, Klaas Decanniere wrote:
> For at least some versions of Chimera, the "keep pov-ray input files"
> option in the Favorites - Preferences- Pov-ray tab does not work  
> ( .pov
> files are deleted after rendering during animation)
> This is true e.g for build 2491 2008/02/11 (Platform: linux2 windowing
> system x11).
> Is there a way to force this option? I would like to do some post
> processing on the .pov files before rendering.
> An option to generate an animation series .pov files without doing the
> actual rendering would be even better - how can I do that?
> Thanks for the help and kind regards,
> Klaas Decanniere

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