[Chimera-users] making a plane through the atoms of a ring and Distance measurements

David Chenoweth dchen at caltech.edu
Mon Jun 2 21:02:07 PDT 2008

Dear Chimera team,

I would like to make a plane through the atoms of an aromatic ring and  
then measure a distance from an atom to the ring centroid. I would  
also like to measure the angle between the normal to the ring plane  
and the line joining the centroid and the atom I am measuring from. It  
would also be nice if I could specify the dimensions, color, and  
transparency of the plane. In addition it would be great to be able to  
make multiple planes through atoms, select and color them separately,  
and measure the angles at the intersection of the planes. Just  
wondering if there is a way to do this with Chimera.

Thanks in advance,

David M. Chenoweth
California Institute of Technology
Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Mail Code: 164-30
1200 California Boulevard, 91125 Pasadena
California, USA

Phone: 626-395-6074
Email: dchen at caltech.edu

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