[Chimera-users] Making a spin movie

Tom Goddard goddard at cgl.ucsf.edu
Wed Jul 23 09:50:14 PDT 2008

Hi Andy,

  Here is a Chimera command script to make a movie that rotates the 
displayed models 360 degrees in 3 degree increments (120 frames) and 
writes the movie in Quicktime format (*.mov).

movie record
turn y 3 120
wait 120
movie stop
movie encode output /tmp/movie.mov mformat mov bitrate 6000

Put this in a file with suffix *.cmd (e.g. spin.cmd) and open it with 
Chimera File / Open... or the open command to create the movie.


Anindito Sen wrote:
> Hi Tom
> Thanks for the reply.
> in the crystal structure- the region of interest (selected and 
> highlighted) lies in the interior. The idea is to make a movie of the 
> crystal structure rotating around the Y axis and one can visualize the 
> region of interest in a better manner.
> Therefore how can I generate a movie of this kind.
> Thanks
> Andy

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