[Chimera-users] Z-slice transparency

Lu lugan at caltech.edu
Mon Nov 5 15:35:52 PST 2007

Dear Chimera Crew,

Is there a way to adjust the transparency of a Z-slice using the Volume 
Viewer's "planes" feature? Right now, it looks like the Z-slice has 
transparency and lets you see the isosurfaces/segmentations below it. We 
would like to turn off the Z-slice transparency so that it blocks 
everything that is behind it. Such a feature would allow us to use 
Chimera to make a movie that we've been using Amira for, i.e., a movie 
in which the isosurface (or segmentation) is "revealed" as the map's 
Z-slice drops down.
If the effect that I'm describing isn't clear, I'd be happy to forward a 
link to such a movie.


Lu Gan
Postdoc, Jensen Lab
Broad Center, MC 114-96
1200 E. California Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91125

Tel: 626-395-8848
Fax: 626-395-5730

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