[Chimera-users] font change in v1.2303+

Greg Couch gregc at cgl.ucsf.edu
Fri Nov 3 22:26:41 PST 2006

On Fri, 3 Nov 2006, Sabuj Pattanayek wrote:

> The gui font seems to have changed in v1.2303+ . Is there some way to
> change it back to the old font?

It's actually the same font but drawn with a different technique.  The new 
technique is much faster, so you can have many more labels interactively 
displayed, and works on more graphics cards.  With the new technique, 
labels are roughly the same size as before in the middle of the scene, 
smaller in the back and larger in the front.  In some cases of extreme 
depth, you can see pixelation in the labels in the front.  You can change 
the size and type of font in the Background preferences.

The short answer is no.  But it would be possible to add the old technique 
back if really needed.  The way labels are positioned is very different 
between the two techniques, so an abstraction layer would be needed, but 
it is not hard to do, just questionable if it is worth it or not.

Please email why you want the old technique back and maybe I can fix the 
new technique to address your concerns.

 	Greg Couch
 	UCSF Computer Graphics Lab

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