[Chimera-users] matrixget/set, keyframes, and interpolation
Thomas Goddard
goddard at cgl.ucsf.edu
Fri Jun 16 10:22:54 PDT 2006
Hi Jonathan,
I just made an animation in Chimera that does more complicated motions
than rock and roll. It is the myosin thick filament analysis animation on
the Chimera animations page:
I created this with a Python script because it does many transitions
for which there is no Chimera command. I include my Python script
below (700 lines). It is messy but maybe you can mine it. The part
most relevant to your question is the move_model() function:
move_model(model_name, from_matrix, to_matrix, relative_to, fraction)
It moves a model a certain fraction (0-1) of the way from one position to
another position, with the positions given relative to a second model using
3 by 4 matrices. It uses positions relative to another model instead of
absolute positions because I was using this to fit a crystal structure into
a density map. If I later changed my viewpoint in Chimera I wanted it
to still work. To get these matrices I used the write_relative_transforms()
function called via a keyboard shortcut "wt". That wrote the matrices to
the Chimera reply log which I then copied into my script.
I think using the "matrixset <filename>" command for doing a smooth
transition is unwieldy. Every matrix would have to be in a separate file.
Two alternatives are to use a Python script to produce an animation as I
did, or to add a command to Chimera that does the smooth interpolation --
a Chimera command version of the above move_model() function. Using Python
requires more expertise. I think introducing the new Chimera command is
the way to go. There should also be a command to print the current matrices
like my "wt" shortcut. These two commands would be more usable versions
of matrixget/matrixset for the purpose of making smooth transitions.
If you would like I can write some Python code for these two commands
that you can drop into your existing Chimera.
Script that plays through myosin thick filament animation.
This will not run for you since you do not have the data files.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Script that runs through animation of myosin thick filament density map.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def play():
from os.path import join, dirname, realpath
import myosinmovie
dir = join(dirname(realpath(myosinmovie.__path__[0])), 'data')
map_name = 'myosin2.mrc'
map_color = (.7, .7, .7, 1) # gray
map_color_t = map_color[:3] + (.7,) # transparent
head_color = (1,.7,0,1) # orange
subfil_color = (.980, .502, .447, 1) # salmon
map2 = map_name + ' <1>'
pdb1i84 = '1i84-notail.pdb'
tail = 'tail.cmm'
tailname = 'myosin tail'
subfil = map(lambda s: 'subfilament%d.mrc' % s, range(13))
sfpaths = map(lambda sf: join(dir,sf), subfil)
sfeven = subfil[::2]
sfodd = subfil[1::2]
sfocolor = (.7,.7,.3,1) # yellow
sf = 'subfilament9.mrc'
fc = 'subfilament0.mrc'
fc_color = (.8,.6,.4,1)
sfo = filter(lambda s: s != fc, subfil)
sf11= sfo[sfo.index(sf)+1:] + sfo[:sfo.index(sf)]
sf11r = list(sf11)
show_caption = '2dlabel change caption text "%s" color black xpos %f ypos .95 visibility show'
show_caption2 = '2dlabel change caption text "%s" color black xpos %f ypos .97 size %d visibility show'
caption_fade = '2dlabel change caption visibility hide frames 5'
caption_fade_delay = 15
# Position of 1i84 close to eye.
mt1 = ((-0.099649198789025978, 0.74111595074467951, 0.66394064850144952, -1008.6712224936828), (0.5863861489863087, -0.49534104948956315, 0.64092786565072368, -966.59941472485207), (0.80387892213797729, 0.45319354832389019, -0.38521978960054565, -124.9728590025926))
# Position of 1i84 to right of filament
mt2 = ((0.073345968301112466, 0.62005697667643067, 0.78112080666748807, -140.8575902922845), (0.55558955434916146, -0.6758394649115651, 0.48431525349317678, -344.80539061238528), (0.82821531984869479, 0.39845998963878676, -0.3940672793127869, -124.7725634028488))
# Position of 1i84 hand fit
mt3 = ((-0.011137186324278462, 0.57090152267568484, 0.8209430031904611, -117.86331645089319), (0.64007270897455237, -0.62668401091081916, 0.4444930569702038, -121.04296346830751), (0.76823361701162263, 0.53041361396114306, -0.35843898758075837, -132.97686247292341))
# Position of 1i84 computationally optimized
mt4 = ((0.067350631154440885, 0.35912771983826075, 0.93085507643610677, -94.436118828488432), (0.78371645512883981, -0.59642399619826492, 0.1733981969894075, -121.53565912095156), (0.61745640367833565, 0.71784796273491214, -0.32162383610975182, -142.36032454320915))
# Position of 1i84 backwards fit by hand
mt5 = ((0.040717288582604753, -0.68893892247763189, -0.72367483271552346, -41.989737858895808), (0.015968304931079015, 0.72463165183091871, -0.68895136432292714, -177.57106879703232), (0.9990430999952451, 0.016496371120766563, 0.040506222876700852, -112.28404385096682))
# Position of 1i84 backwards fit optimized
mt6 = ((0.075798794154165489, -0.41125005975496942, -0.90836552728310249, -50.078309013435728), (0.26520245923950292, 0.88648910828917349, -0.37921592331808268, -190.88698833314771), (0.96120871740641978, -0.21215666201229763, 0.17625933264853111, -90.233284436572831))
# Position of 1i84 forward and right of filament for float in.
mt7 = ((0.067350631154428922, 0.3591277198382945, 0.93085507643609822, -58.351913517245023), (0.78371645512883925, -0.59642399619825837, 0.17339819698943759, -483.01076846693888), (0.61745640367833865, 0.71784796273490414, -0.3216238361097708, -244.42186962044607))
# Position of subfilament tilted out.
sfmt1 = ((0.97415635283527546, -0.025843647164727198, -0.22439141278557448, -103.49134676516807), (-0.025843647164727226, 0.97415635283527724, -0.22439141278557453, -107.25466846571966), (0.22439141278557431, 0.2243914127855747, 0.94831270567054426, -10.644281176985976))
# Position of subfilament displaced out.
sfmt2 = ((0.9999957248565281, -4.2751434744161616e-06, -0.0029240811200199287, -214.50933693143944), (-4.275143474582695e-06, 0.9999957248565301, -0.0029240811200196941, -218.27265863199113), (0.0029240811200198034, 0.0029240811200199092, 0.99999144971304987, 11.974816324109245))
# Positioning of tail forward and right of filament for float in.
tmt1 = ((1.0000000000000038, 0.0, -1.262386893235071e-32, 36.084205311245618), (0.0, 1.0000000000000038, -1.4293409452891395e-31, -361.47510934598643), (-1.262386893235071e-32, -1.4293409452891395e-31, 1.0, -102.06154507723714))
from PDBmatrices import identity_matrix
identity = identity_matrix()
from chimera.statusline import show_status_line
from Accelerators.standard_accelerators import sphere_representation
from Accelerators.standard_accelerators import select_all, clear_selection
p = Player()
sequence = [
(show_status_line, {'show': False}), # Needed to set small window widths.
(set_window, {'size': (440,800), 'color':(1,1,1)}),
2, # Need window size update before setting label background.
(label_background, {'position': (0,.92), 'size': (1.0,.11),
'color': 'white'}),
'2dlabel create caption text "Myosin thick filament, EM map" color black xpos .1 ypos .95',
'open %s' % join(dir,map_name),
'scale 2',
(set_center_of_rotation, {'center': (0,0,0)}),
'turn x -90',
(set_map, {'map_name': map_name,'threshold': 0.2, 'style': 'surface'}),
'roll y 0.5 90',
(duplicate_map, {'map_name': map_name}),
(set_map, {'map_name': map2, 'threshold': 0.15, 'style': 'surface',
'bounds':((0,0,41), (99,99,81),(1,1,1))}),
(set_map, {'map_name': map2, 'color': (.2,.2,.6,.0)},
{'color': (.2,.2,.6,.5)}, 30),
caption_fade, caption_fade_delay,
show_caption % ('Symmetry: 90 degree rotation', .1),
(move_only, {'model_name': map2}),
'turn y 3 30',
caption_fade, caption_fade_delay,
show_caption % ('Symmetry: 43.5 nm translation', .1),
'move y 7.5 58',
caption_fade, caption_fade_delay,
show_caption % ('Four strand helix', .3),
'turn y -1 30',
'move y -5 29',
'turn y -1 30',
'move y -5 29',
'turn y -1 30',
'move y -5 29',
(set_map, {'map_name': map2, 'color': (.2,.2,.6,.5)},
{'color': (.2,.2,.6,0)}, 20),
(unshow_map, {'map_name': map2}),
(move_only, {'model_name': 'all'}),
caption_fade, caption_fade_delay,
show_caption % ("Myosin heads, 'J' shapes on surface", .02),
{'model_name': map_name, 'colormap':((120, map_color),(121, map_color))},
{'colormap':((120, map_color),(121, head_color))}, 30),
caption_fade, caption_fade_delay,
show_caption % ('Myosin tails make filament body', .1),
{'model_name': map_name, 'colormap':((120, map_color),(121, head_color))},
{'colormap':((110, subfil_color),(111, map_color))}, 30),
caption_fade, caption_fade_delay,
show_caption % ('Fit myosin model, hand placement', .05),
'open %s' % join(dir,pdb1i84),
'rainbow chain',
(sphere_representation, {}),
(place_model, {'model_name': pdb1i84, 'matrix': mt1, 'relative_to':map_name}),
(set_near_far, {'near': 577.7, 'far':-568.161},
{'near': 1700, 'far':-1700}, 10),
(move_model, {'model_name': pdb1i84, 'relative_to':map_name,
'from_matrix': mt1, 'to_matrix': mt2, 'fraction':0},
{'fraction':1}, 30),
(move_model, {'model_name': pdb1i84, 'relative_to':map_name,
'from_matrix': mt2, 'to_matrix': mt3, 'fraction':0},
{'fraction':1}, 30),
'scale 1.02 25',
caption_fade, caption_fade_delay,
show_caption % ('Computational fit optimization', .1),
(select_all, {}),
{'model_name': map_name, 'colormap':((110, subfil_color),(111, map_color))},
{'colormap':((110, subfil_color),(111, map_color_t))}, 30),
(move_model, {'model_name': pdb1i84, 'relative_to':map_name,
'from_matrix': mt3, 'to_matrix': mt4, 'fraction':0},
{'fraction':1}, 30),
(clear_selection, {}),
caption_fade, caption_fade_delay,
show_caption % ('Flip and fit - wrong orientation', .1),
(move_model, {'model_name': pdb1i84, 'relative_to':map_name,
'from_matrix': mt4, 'to_matrix': mt5, 'fraction':0},
{'fraction':1}, 15),
(move_model, {'model_name': pdb1i84, 'relative_to':map_name,
'from_matrix': mt5, 'to_matrix': mt6, 'fraction':0},
{'fraction':1}, 15),
caption_fade, caption_fade_delay,
show_caption % ('Fitting with symmetric copies', .1),
(symmetric_copies, {'molecule_name': pdb1i84}),
(move_only, {'model_name': pdb1i84}), # Needed for sym copies to work
'rainbow chain',
(move_model, {'model_name': pdb1i84, 'relative_to':map_name,
'from_matrix': mt6, 'to_matrix': mt4, 'fraction':0},
{'fraction':1}, 30),
(symmetric_copies, {'molecule_name': pdb1i84, 'show': False}),
(move_only, {'model_name': 'all'}),
{'model_name': map_name, 'colormap':((110, subfil_color),(111, map_color_t))},
{'colormap':((110, map_color_t),(111, map_color_t))}, 30),
caption_fade, caption_fade_delay,
show_caption % ('Myosin tail, hand traced', .2),
'open %s' % join(dir,tail),
(show_atom_sequence, {'molecule_name': tailname, 'count': 1},
{'count': 10}, 60),
'scale .975 30',
{'model_name': map_name, 'colormap':((110, map_color_t),(111, map_color_t))},
{'colormap':((110, map_color),(111, map_color))}, 15),
(unshow_model, {'model_name': (pdb1i84, tailname)}),
caption_fade, caption_fade_delay,
show_caption % ('Filament has 12 subfilaments', .1),
(open_models, {'paths': sfpaths}),
(set_map, {'map_name': subfil, 'threshold': 0.2, 'style': 'surface', 'color': map_color}),
(set_map, {'map_name': fc, 'color': fc_color}),
(unshow_map, {'map_name': map_name}),
(set_map, {'map_name': sfodd, 'color': map_color},
{'color':sfocolor}, 60),
(set_center_of_rotation, {'center': (0, 0, 0)}),
'roll y 3 15',
(move_model, {'model_name': sf, 'relative_to': map_name,
'from_matrix': identity, 'to_matrix': sfmt1, 'fraction':0},
{'fraction':1}, 15),
(move_model, {'model_name': sf, 'relative_to': map_name,
'from_matrix': sfmt1, 'to_matrix': sfmt2, 'fraction':0},
{'fraction':1}, 15),
(set_center_of_rotation, {'center': (275, 10, 257)}),
(move_only, {'model_name': sf}),
'roll y 4 90',
(move_only, {'model_name': 'all'}),
(set_center_of_rotation, {'center': (0, 0, 0)}),
(explode, {'model_names': sfo, 'factor': 1.03}, {}, 60),
(set_map, {'map_name': sfo, 'opacity': 1.0}, {'opacity':0}, 15),
caption_fade, caption_fade_delay,
show_caption % ('Filament core, contents unknown', .05),
'roll y -0.5 90',
'scale 1.01 60',
(place_model, {'model_name': subfil, 'matrix': identity, 'relative_to':map_name}),
(set_map, {'map_name': sf11, 'opacity': 1.0}),
(place_model, {'model_name': sf11, 'matrix': identity, 'relative_to':map_name}),
(show_model_sequence, {'model_names': sf11r, 'count': 1},
{'count':11}, 45),
caption_fade, caption_fade_delay,
show_caption2 % (' Animation created with UCSF Chimera.\\nData from John Woodhead and Roger Craig', .05, 18),
(set_map, {'map_name': sf, 'style': 'mesh', 'color': sfocolor,
'opacity': 0.0, 'square_mesh': True}, {'opacity':0.4}, 30),
(show_model, {'model_name': (pdb1i84, tailname)}),
(move_model, {'model_name': pdb1i84, 'relative_to': map_name,
'from_matrix': mt7, 'to_matrix': mt4, 'fraction':0},
{'fraction':1}, 30),
(move_model, {'model_name': tailname, 'relative_to': map_name,
'from_matrix': tmt1, 'to_matrix': identity, 'fraction':0},
{'fraction':1}, 30),
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Player:
def __init__(self):
self.sequence = []
self.delay = 0
self.transitions = []
self.new_frame_handler = None
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
def play_sequence(self, sequence):
self.sequence = sequence
self.delay = 0
from chimera import triggers
h = triggers.addHandler('new frame', self.new_frame, None)
self.new_frame_handler = h
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
def new_frame(self, trigger_name, call_data, trigger_data):
t = 0
while t < len(self.transitions):
command, kw_begin, kw_end, frames, cur = self.transitions[t]
cur += 1
if cur > frames:
del self.transitions[t]
self.transitions[t] = (command, kw_begin, kw_end, frames, cur)
kw = self.interpolate_parameters(kw_begin, kw_end, frames, cur)
t += 1
while self.sequence:
if self.delay > 0:
self.delay -= 1
s = self.sequence[0]
del self.sequence[0]
if type(s) is int:
elif type(s) is type(''):
elif len(s) == 2:
command, kw = s
elif len(s) == 4:
command, kw_begin, kw_end, frames = s
if frames > 1:
self.transitions.append((command, kw_begin, kw_end, frames, 1))
if (len(self.sequence) == 0 and
len(self.transitions) == 0 and
from chimera import triggers
triggers.deleteHandler('new frame', self.new_frame_handler)
self.new_frame_handler = None
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
def frame_delay(self, frames):
self.delay = frames
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
def interpolate_parameters(self, kw_begin, kw_end, frames, cur):
kw = {}
f = float(cur) / frames
for key, value in kw_end.items():
kw[key] = self.interpolate_parameter(kw[key], value, f)
return kw
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
def interpolate_parameter(self, v0, v1, f):
if type(v0) in (int, float):
v = (1-f) * v0 + f * v1
return v
elif type(v0) in (tuple, list):
v = map(lambda e0, e1: self.interpolate_parameter(e0, e1, f), v0, v1)
return v
raise TypeError, 'Bad transition parameter of type ' + str(type(v0))
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def set_window(size = None, color = None):
if size != None:
if color != None:
from Accelerators.standard_accelerators import set_background
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def set_window_size(width, height):
from chimera import viewer
viewer.windowSize = (width, height)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def run_command(command):
from chimera import runCommand
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def move_only(model_name):
from chimera import openModels
mlist = openModels.list()
if model_name == 'all':
for m in mlist:
m.openState.active = True
for m in mlist:
m.openState.active = False
for m in filter(lambda m: m.name == model_name, mlist):
m.openState.active = True
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def set_map(map_name, style = None, threshold = None, color = None,
opacity = None, square_mesh = None, bounds = None):
if type(map_name) in (list, tuple):
for mname in map_name:
set_map(mname, style, threshold, color, opacity, square_mesh, bounds)
dr = find_map(map_name)
if style != None:
set_map_style(map_name, style)
if threshold != None:
set_map_threshold(map_name, threshold)
if color != None:
set_map_color(map_name, color)
if opacity != None:
set_map_opacity(map_name, opacity)
if square_mesh != None:
set_map_rendering_option(map_name, 'square_mesh', square_mesh)
if bounds != None:
set_map_bounds(map_name, bounds)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def set_map_threshold(map_name, threshold):
dr = find_map(map_name)
dr.components[0].surface_levels = [threshold]
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def set_map_bounds(map_name, bounds):
dr = find_map(map_name)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def set_map_style(map_name, style):
dr = find_map(map_name)
dr.representation = style
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def set_map_color(map_name, rgba):
dr = find_map(map_name)
for c in dr.components:
c.surface_colors = [rgba] * len(c.surface_colors)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def set_map_opacity(map_name, opacity):
dr = find_map(map_name)
for c in dr.components:
c.surface_colors = map(lambda rgba: tuple(rgba[:3]) + (opacity,),
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def set_map_rendering_option(map_name, option_name, value):
dr = find_map(map_name)
setattr(dr.rendering_options, option_name, value)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def find_map(map_name):
dr = volume_dialog().find_data_by_name(map_name)
return dr
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def show_map(map_name):
dr = find_map(map_name)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def unshow_map(map_name):
dr = find_map(map_name)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def volume_dialog():
import VolumeViewer
d = VolumeViewer.volume_dialog()
return d
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def set_center_of_rotation(center):
from chimera import openModels, Point
if center == None:
openModels.cofrMethod = openModels.CenterOfModels
openModels.cofr = Point(*center)
openModels.cofrMethod = openModels.Fixed
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def duplicate_map(map_name):
dr = find_map(map_name)
d = volume_dialog()
dr2 = d.duplicate_region(dr)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def cylinder_color(model_name, colormap):
model = find_model_by_name(model_name)
from SurfaceColor import Color_Map, Cylinder_Color, color_surface
values = map(lambda vc: vc[0], colormap)
colors = map(lambda vc: vc[1], colormap)
color_source = Cylinder_Color()
color_source.colormap = Color_Map(values, colors)
color_surface(model, color_source, caps_only = False, auto_update = False)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def find_model_by_name(model_name):
from chimera import openModels
m = filter(lambda m: m.name == model_name, openModels.list())[0]
return m
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def show_model(model_name, show = True):
if type(model_name) in (tuple, list):
for mname in model_name:
show_model(mname, show)
model = find_model_by_name(model_name)
model.display = show
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def unshow_model(model_name):
show_model(model_name, show = False)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def place_model(model_name, matrix, relative_to):
if type(model_name) in (tuple, list):
for mname in model_name:
place_model(mname, matrix, relative_to)
model = find_model_by_name(model_name)
rmodel = find_model_by_name(relative_to)
from PDBmatrices import chimera_xform
xf = chimera_xform(matrix)
rxf = rmodel.openState.xform
model.openState.xform = xf
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def move_model(model_name, from_matrix, to_matrix, relative_to, fraction):
model = find_model_by_name(model_name)
rmodel = find_model_by_name(relative_to)
from PDBmatrices import chimera_xform
fxf = chimera_xform(from_matrix)
txf = chimera_xform(to_matrix)
rxf = rmodel.openState.xform
# Find model center
have_box, bbox = model.bbox()
c = bbox.center()
cf = fxf.apply(c)
ct = txf.apply(c)
# Determine fractional translation
from chimera import Xform, Vector, Point
td = Xform.translation((ct-cf)*fraction)
# Determine fractional rotation
r = fxf.inverse()
axis, angle = r.getRotation()
rd = Xform.rotation(axis, fraction*angle)
cv = Xform.translation(cf - Point())
cvi = Xform.translation(Point() - cf)
xf = Xform()
xf.multiply(fxf) # Apply start transform
xf.premultiply(cvi) # Shift to put model center at origin
xf.premultiply(rd) # Apply fractional rotation
xf.premultiply(cv) # Shift center back to from position
xf.premultiply(td) # Apply fractional translation
model.openState.xform = xf
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def set_near_far(near, far):
from chimera import viewer
c = viewer.camera
c.nearFar = (near, far)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def symmetric_copies(molecule_name, show = True):
m = find_model_by_name(molecule_name)
if show:
run_command('sym #%d' % m.id)
run_command('~sym #%d' % m.id)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def show_atom_sequence(molecule_name, count):
m = find_model_by_name(molecule_name)
count = int(count)
alist = m.atoms
for a in alist[:count]:
a.display = True
for a in alist[count:]:
a.display = False
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def show_model_sequence(model_names, count):
mlist = map(find_model_by_name, model_names)
count = int(count)
for m in mlist[:count]:
m.display = True
for m in mlist[count:]:
m.display = False
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def open_models(paths):
for path in paths:
run_command('open %s' % path)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def explode(model_names, factor):
mlist = map(find_model_by_name, model_names)
centers = map(lambda m: m.openState.xform.apply(m.bbox()[1].center()), mlist)
n = len(model_names)
from chimera import Point, Xform
c = Point(centers, [1.0/n]*n)
for k in range(len(mlist)):
delta = (centers[k] - c) * (factor - 1.0)
xf = Xform.translation(delta)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Make a solid background for drawing labels.
# This hack uses several labels containing strings of ells.
def label_background(position, size, color):
import chimera
v = chimera.viewer
wsize = v.windowSize
fsize = int(size[1] * wsize[1]) # pixels
lcount = int(5 * float(wsize[0]) / fsize)
ells = 'l' * lcount
xstep = (.07 * fsize) / wsize[0]
for k in range(4):
run_command('2dlabel create bg%d text "%s" color %s xpos %f ypos %f size %d'
% (k, ells, color, position[0] + k*xstep, position[1], fsize))
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def write_relative_transforms():
from chimera import openModels
mlist = openModels.list()
m0 = mlist[0]
print 'Matrices relative to', m0.name
xf_ref = m0.openState.xform
xf_ref_inv = xf_ref.inverse()
for m in mlist[1:]:
xf = m.openState.xform
from PDBmatrices import xform_matrix, is_identity_matrix
mt = xform_matrix(xf)
if not is_identity_matrix(mt):
print m.name, repr(mt)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
from Accelerators import add_accelerator
add_accelerator('pm', 'Play myosin thick filament movie', play)
add_accelerator('wt', 'Write relative transformation matrices',
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