[Chimera-users] matching scale for different sessions

jinghua at ucsd.edu jinghua at ucsd.edu
Sat May 14 10:39:45 PDT 2005

to our friendly developer,

   Is there a way to specify the physical size for a view, so that 
different sized molecule or map is shown at the same physical scale
from different sessions. By the way, is there a command to specify
the pixel size of the window? the shrink to fit or grow to fit doesn't 
work well.

   many thanks!


Jinghua Tang, Ph.D.                       Phone:  858-534-5852(o)
4107 Natural Sciences Bldg, MC-0378               858-597-2056(h)
Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry    Fax:    858-534-5846
University of California, San Diego       E-mail: jinghua at ucsd.edu
La Jolla, CA 92093-0378                   http://cryoem.ucsd.edu/~jinghua

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