[chimera-dev] opening file in extension.

Devin Haslam dhasl002 at odu.edu
Fri Jan 13 13:02:42 PST 2017

I am developing an extension for the newest version of chimera. At the
moment, my extension takes several .pdb files as input and opens them in
the viewer. Currently, I am using the chimera.openmodels.open() to display
these pdb files. This was not a problem until I started using .pdb files
that consisted of hundreds of points. Because I am opening multiple .pdb
files, the call to "setCategory()" does not execute fast enough and the
root will have changed.

In summary, what will I have to do in code to open multiple .pdb files made
up of hundreds of points?

Devin Haslam
Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia
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