The zone command shows atomic detail and residue labels near a specified single residue of interest. Density-map or other volume data displays can also be restricted to a zone near that residue, and different cutoff distances can be used for the atoms, residue labels, and volume displays:
The cutoff values remain in effect for automatic application with
the zone command and/or
zone mouse mode
until they are explicitly changed or ChimeraX is exited.
The label option indicates whether to show zone residue labels (default true; false removes all residue labels). The ribbons option shows the beyond-zone residues of the same atomic model as a narrow ribbon (default true; false does not modify any existing cartoons).
The zone clear command clears the labels and returns to what was shown before zoning.
The zone setting command allows changing:
By default (save true), these changes are saved as preferences for zone labels only (not other labels). Enabling virtual reality automatically changes the zone-label color to yellow
For molecular surfaces, see surface zone. See also: volume zone (with newMap false), label, show, cartoon, select zone, zone atom specification