The marker command adds or modifies
markers and links,
nonatomic representations used for marking and measurement
that are generally handled in the same ways as atoms and bonds.
It is the command implementation of the
Marker Placement tool
and associated mouse modes with icons
in the Markers tab of the
See also:
define centroid,
measure center,
the tape measure mouse mode
Creating Markers and Links
Changing Markers and Links
Example commands:
marker #2 position 16.06,-9.172,116.5 color yellow radius 1
marker change #2:3 position 2.021,-29.09,121 color blue radius 2
marker link #2:1,2
marker segment #2 10.75,4.667,116.5 to 12.79,-17.44,111.2 color yellow radius 1
mark delete #2 linksOnly true
marker delete #2:3
Usage: marker marker-model position point-spec [ radius r ] [ color color-spec ] [ coordinateSystem model-spec ]
Usage: marker link markers [ radius r ] [ color color-spec ]
Usage: marker segment marker-model position point-spec1 toPosition point-spec2 [ coordinateSystem model-spec ] [ radius r ] [ color color-spec ] [ label label-text ] [ labelHeight h ] [ labelColor color-spec | default ]
Usage: marker connected surface-spec [ radius radius ] [ color color-spec ] [ markers marker-model ]
Usage: marker fromMesh surface-spec [ edgeRadius stick-radius ] [ color color-spec ] [ markers marker-model ]
The marker command creates a new marker. The marker-model and point-spec arguments are required. The marker can be added to an existing marker model or added as a new model, and each marker has its own residue number, assigned starting with 1. The resulting model ID and residue numbers can be used to specify markers and their associated links in commands (analogous to atoms and their associated bonds), such as to change or delete them with the marker command. Links can be specified by their endpoint markers or directly by selection and the word sel. Model numbers are shown in the Model Panel, and residue numbers in the identifiers that pop up when the cursor is paused over an item in the main window.
A point-spec can be given as x,y,z (three values separated by commas only), an atom-spec, or any of the other standard point specifications; x,y,z values are interpreted in scene coordinates unless a different coordinateSystem (reference model number) is given.
The marker link command adds a link between the two specified markers. For both markers and links, the default radius is 0.5 Å and the default color is yellow
The marker segment command creates two markers and a link between them, optionally labeled with the specified label-text. The default labelHeight is 1.0 Å and the default labelColor is default (meaning white or black depending on the window background color). See also: label
The marker connected command adds a marker at the center of each connected piece (blob) of the specified surface(s). Parts of the surface hidden with surface dust, surface zone, or volume zone are not marked and are not used to determine connectivity. When the command is used on volume series surfaces, the markers are assigned a frame attribute with value indicating the associated time step within the series. This allows synchronization during playback with vseries play. The markers option allows adding the new markers and links to an existing marker model. See also: measure blob
The marker fromMesh command creates markers and links (shown as sticks) from a surface mesh, which can only be shown as lines. The edgeRadius option sets stick radius (default 1.0 in physical distance units). In this case, the color default is the same as the surface model, where each marker gets the corresponding vertex color and each link (stick) is assigned the average color of its two endpoints. See also: hkcage, shape, volume
Usage: marker change marker-spec [ position point-spec ] [ coordinateSystem model-spec ] [ radius r ] [ color color-spec ] [ markers true | false ] [ links true | false ]
The marker change command changes the specified marker(s) and their
associated links. The position option applies to markers only.
The color and radius settings apply to
both markers and links unless one or the other is excluded with
markers false or links false.
Markers and links can also be adjusted
in the Marker
Placement tool, with size and
color commands, or
with the mouse
Usage: marker delete marker-spec [ linksOnly true | false ]
The marker delete command removes the specified marker(s) and
their associated links, or just the links if linksOnly true is used.
Alternatively, individual markers can be deleted
with the mouse
and marker models can be closed with the
close command.