# # Normally setup for a movie would be done interactively, saved to a session, # and then loaded before running the animation commands. To make this example # self-contained we instead use commands to setup the scene here. # # Setup the potassium channel clipping scene. #set fieldOfView 30 open /home/user/MASTERS/Chimera_files/testPDBfiles/Sys1nanopart.pdb select :wat hide sel target a select ~sel surface sel color (#!1 & sel) white select ::name="OQL" color (#!1 & sel) red select ::name="ONC" color (#!1 & sel) blue select ::name="NP" color (#!1 & sel) yellow lighting flat lighting shadows false graphics silhouettes false #surface ; surfcolor bymodel #align :401 :402 #Error while sourcing clip2.cmd, line 11 "align :401 :402" Left atom spec (:401) selects no atoms #set bg_color white #set silhouette #windowsize 200 150 #copy file clip.jpg # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Record the movie movie record supersample 3 clip front -0.5 120 wait 120 movie encode clip.mp4 bitrate 200