<html><head></head><body><div style="font-family: Verdana;font-size: 12.0px;"><div>Dear Chimera Team,</div>
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<div>i just wrote you a message a few days ago without a membership. I just registered myself today and hope this message is reaching you.</div>
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<div>I am just writing my Master Thesis and use this wonderful program to display calculated 3D models by I-TASSER. I was wondering why Chimera is using Ksdssp algrorithm when i open these 3D models, cause i thougt the PDB files I get from I-TASSER contains these information, or am i wrong? If they do not conatin information about secondary structure what else do they contain? Only the spatial arrangement of the protein?</div>
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<div>Thank you for your support</div>
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<div>Bests, Nadine</div></div></body></html>