<div>hi, i am new to chimera</div><div> </div><div>when i minimize my pdb structure, it gives the following error</div><div> </div><div> </div><div><span lang="EN"><p>The following residues had non-integral charges:</p>
<p> DA 1.D -0.3079</p>
<p> DA 19.D -0.6921</p>
<p> PRO 43.P 0.376</p>
<p>1 model(s) had non-integral total charge</p>
<p>Details in reply log</p>
<p>Residue #0:43.P (PRO/proline) is missing atoms H_2 and H_3</p><p> </p><p>i am not able to minimze the strcuture due ti this error , please help me how to remve this error</p><p>regards</p><p> </p></span></div>