Dear Chimera's users!<br><br><br>I need to model some missing segments ( In particular case I need to build missing N and C termi ) of my protein ussing Modeller's options. Could you tell me about possible solution of that issue ?<br>
<br><br>On my win7 I have installed Chimera as well as Modeller v 9.10 suite. <br><br>I've defined Modeller pathways in the Chimera's Model pool options but when I've selected option Prune seection to define region of interest I didnt obtain anythinf from both of Chimera or Modeller. On other hand the option Structure -> Modeller tools also not available for me. Does it means that I've installed modeller incorrectly ?<br>
<br>Also I've used runmod.dat script with defined variables from which I obtained the below<br><br>C:\Users\own\Desktop\worktemp>runmod.bat<br>usage: mod9.10 script [...]<br><br>Doest this means that all work fine ?<br>
<br>By the way after executing of that script I could not launch modeller by means of mod9.10.exe from modeller folder. The error from modeller was<br><br>C:\Program Files\Modeller\bin>mod9.10.exe<br>
FATAL ERROR: MODINSTALL9v10 environment variable not set: incomplete MODELLER in<br>stallation<br><br><br>Could you explain me whats I've done wrong and how I could fix this problem?<br><br>Thanks for help<br><br>Gleb<br>