<h1><font>Dear chimera users,</font></h1><p><font>I also added an amino acid residue at the N-terminus of a small protein following the posting:<br></font></p><h1><font>[Chimera-users] Using addaa at the N-terminus?<i>[ posted date:Fri Sep 30 10:36:31 PDT 2011]</i></font></h1>
<p>The residue is added at the n-terminus but the added residue is not connected to rest of the protein structure in the graphical display [i.e, a little gap between the added residue and the rest of the protein at N-terminus]. Is this due to wrong command ?</p>
<p>Thanks,</p><p>Mahendra Thapa</p><p>Graduate student</p><p>Department of Physics</p><p>University of Cincinnati, OH<br></p><p><br></p>