Hi,<br>I'm a newbie, and I'd like to use Chimera to recognize functional groups on a structure or a ligand, and I need it to write a file with the atoms involved. Now, if I do Select>Chemistry>functional group , search for one, and export the results through "write list", it exports a raw list of atoms without any specification of which atom is involved in which f.g..<br>
It could be useful to add some sort of identifier, like:<br><br>FG1:<br>atom<br>atom<br>atom<br><br>FG2:<br>atom<br>atom<br>atom<br><br>How can I do that? Already tried to modify __init__.py in ChemGroups, but all I obtain is a list of physical addresses of atoms, e.g.:<br>
<br>Group number 1 :<br>[<_chimera.Atom object at 0xa455db8>, <_chimera.Atom object at 0xa455dd0>, <_chimera.Atom object at 0xa455de8>, <_chimera.Atom object at 0xa455e00>, <_chimera.Atom object at 0xa455e18>]<br>
<br>Group number 2 :<br>[<_chimera.Atom object at 0xa455e30>, <_chimera.Atom object at 0xa455e48>, <_chimera.Atom object at 0xa455e60>, <_chimera.Atom object at 0xa455e78>, <_chimera.Atom object at 0xa455e90>]<br>
<br><br>Thank you<br><br>Mauro Truglio (Bioinformatics Lab - University of Rome Tor Vergata)<br><br>